Thursday 5 May 2011

Poster Analysis- Tomb Raider

The central image of this film poster is of Angelina Jolie (Lara Croft) standing very firm, in which she is looking in a downwards diagonal position as if she is inferior of everything. To emphasise her power Lara is holding two guns in each hand and is wearing tight dark clothes to show her small frame but curvaceous breasts. I believe that she is representing a domineering type figure as she is a powerful, dark, sexual icon. The most significant part of Lara’s body is her skull belt. Skulls are associated with death, a main factor in the film. In the background there is a large artefact, possibly of ancient Mayan culture. As well as signifying adventure, it also gives the impression that Lara is very smart and knows about different civilisations. I believe that Lara takes up most of the poster because the actress, ‘Angelina Jolie’ is very famous, which is a pull in factor for the public and will make fans want to watch it. I believe that this poster has been targeted towards young males as it has a sexaul element to it and it looks very action packed which is the stereotypical favourite for this target audience. Pre- exsisting Tomb Raider fans would also find this poster appealing as I believe that it looks very similar to the game.
The only text on the poster is the title of the film, ‘Lara Croft Tomb Raider’ which is slightly curved to make the poster seem more dimensional. The font is very bold and metallic, possibly representing a gun. I believe that some aspects of this poster uses typical codes and conventions such as a central image and title but lacks in text usually found on film posters.      

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