There is a tag line located at the very top which states; ‘NOTHING ON EARTH COULD COME BETWEEN THEM’. This also concludes that the film is a love story. The style in which it is written is very calm, which signifies love and the colour white symbolizes purity. The title of the film is quite large and is located at the bottom centre of the poster. The text is in form of the bolts of a ship and it looks very metallic. This aspect tells the audience what the film is about and where it is going to be set. Also, above the title are the names of the main actors in the film. The reason why they are clearly stated on the poster is because Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Winslet are very famous which will make fans want to see the film. Lastly, there are a lot of written credits at the bottom which is very common on a film poster. However, instead of a familiar diamond shape, the text is in shape of a box.
Overall, I believe that this poster has many aspects on it that will make the audience want to watch the film. For example, the actors names, the titanic itself for history lovers, romance enthusiasts, etc.
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