Wednesday 4 May 2011

Casting Decisions

Casting suitable actors is very important in any film as it allows the audience to relate to certain characters. We have a relatively small cast in our short film. In fact we only have 4 key characters to cast in the storyline. A man aged 20-30 for the main character, another man of the same age as his best friend, a women aged 18-22 playing the love interest and a women of the same age playing her best friend. Although it is a very small cast I believe that this will be more effective as it keeps everything simple and the audience are able to get to know each character in more detail, compared to a large cast where what you remember about each character is limited. We have also decided that we would play some of the characters ourselves as we all have the ability to act and it will save time and effort trying to find actors to be in our short film. Further discussion of casting decisions resulted in the names of the characters and the actors who will be playing them. I believe that our choice of actors is suitable for our short film as each actor looks around the same age as the intended ages of each character and the actors which are being used are close to members in the group so they are easy to get in contact with and are less likely to let us down. Overall, I am very happy with the characters and especially the actors chosen to play them.     

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