Wednesday 4 May 2011

Music and Special effects

MusicLike most films music is heard during the titles, credits and even throughout the film itself. However, we decided not to have any music in our film and instead had the phone messages Alex sends to Mellissa being played over the title sequence. These phone messages are an important factor of the film and we believe that they will stand out even more to the audience if they are played in place of music during the opening titles. We understand that most thriller films have some sort of significant music in them but we want to challenge normal thrillers and create something which is completely our own.
Special effectsSpecial effects can significantly change the film through factors such as sound, animations, colours, scenery, etc. In our short film we only used special effects to create the time lapses which are seen in a couple of scenes. However, during the editing of our film we used our skills to change and alter colours and lighting. Special effects can be very expensive and we did not have a large enough budget to use any other resources to create them.

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