Wednesday 4 May 2011

Filming- Day 2

10:00am- For the first scene we had to find a pub garden for the location. Adam and I were in this scene.  The scene is of myself (Alex’s best friend) and Adam (Alex) sitting around a table having a heated conversation about his relationship with Mellissa. Oliver, whose scene it was, got us sitting opposite to each other and filmed over shoulder shots during our conversation. To make it easier, Oliver filmed all of my side of the conversation first, moved the camera and then filmed Adam’s side. This was a good idea as whenever the camera was filming me it was always in the same position. To make the pub scene more authentic we both had pints of lager and a table umbrella. Out of all the scenes in our short film, this scene definitely has the most dialogue.
11:00am- For the next scene we had to travel to meet Lorna and Marie who played Mellissa’s best friends. In this scene Alex has followed them both to their car so he could ask where Mellissa has been lately but it soon escalates into an argument. It was very sunny during this scene so the lighting was excellent but it was quite windy which affected the dialogue. However, we will sort this problem out when we edit the piece. Filming is unpredictable in a busy place so we decided to film down a quiet road so there were no problems. This was one of my scenes so I decided to add as many camera shot sizes in the scene as possible.
4:00pm- After having a break we met again a few hours later in the location of a forest to film another scene. We purposely chose to start filming at this time as it was getting darker, which emphasises the location (a dark forest) and reflects Alex’s thoughts and personality. This scene was very simple to film as there were no props involved and the only actor was Adam.
I believe that filming our short film has been a success and I am looking forward to editing it.   

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