Wednesday 9 February 2011


My name is Harry and I am currently studying A Level Media studies. We have been asked to produce a short film in its entirety, lasting approximately 5 minutes long which may be live action or animated. Aswell as producing a short film, we also have to choose two of the three options to go with it. These are:

- A film poster
- A radio trailer
- A film magazine review page (featuring the film)

Last year for AS Media studies, we had to produce the opening two minutes of a film. My group and I decided to produce an opening for the genre 'high school musical'. We had to produce a film that challenged stereotypes of typical high school musicals and tried to use/ develop the forms and conventions of real media products. I believe we succeeded whilst producing the film as we all worked exceptionally hard when it came to editing and producing the final product. However, we could have improved our final result by spending more time planning what we were going to do. I got an A grade for my film last year and I hope this year will be just as successful.

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